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Request a Quote for BD Rhapsody™ HT Xpress System
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The new BD Rhapsody™ HT Xpress System is a higher-throughput platform that leverages our proprietary, gentle, robust microwell-based single-cell partitioning technology to perform single cell analysis. The system is capable of single-cell capture and barcoding enabling capture of more than 320,000 cells per cartridge, making million-cell studies now possible. The BD Rhapsody™ HT Xpress System offers the same performance as the BD Rhapsody™ Express System, now featuring a new flexible cartridge design with the ability to run up to eight times the number of lanes at one time with a broad range of cell input, from 100–440,000 cells per cartridge.
Get more information from the BD Rhapsody™ HT System brochure
Expanded throughput
- Million-cell studies now possible
- Capable of capturing more than 320,000 cells per cartridge
- Up to 80% cell capture rate (for certain cell types)
- Low multiplet rate per lane
Flexible cartridge design
- Up to 192 samples per cartridge (up to 24 samples per lane)
- Partial use of cartridge enables:
- Running more or different types of experiments
- Processing samples together or on different days (up to four months)
Maintain sample integrity
- Gentle microwell technology
- No sample loss due to clogging of channels
- Recover cells with disparate size and morphology, including fragile cell types
- Subsample and archive cell capture beads for flexibility with experimental design and collaborating across sites with equivalent data obtained from fresh beads
The BD Rhapsody™ HT Xpress System provides enhanced cell capture, ability to run million cell studies easily, and comparable WTA sensitivity and gene correlation across 8 lanes
Broad range of cell input with up to 80% cell capture and a mutiplet rate that follows Poisson rates
Million-cell studies now possible, capturing more than 320,000 viable cells across eight lanes with a less than 0.5% cell label collision rate enabled by the BD Rhapsody™ Enhanced Cell Capture Beads
Comparable WTA sensitivity and gene correlation across eight lanes in the BD Rhapsody™ 8-Lane Cartridge
- Brochures
- User Guides
- Data Sheets
- Protocols
- Technical Note
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
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